Weight Loss Clinic Bristol

Are you a bit overweight and keen to look more lean and sculpted? Are you keen to lose some weight or perhaps a few inches?

Dr Brad offers targeted fat reduction using a range of treatments delivered through his “3D Ultimate” clinical platform.

His non-invasive treatments to reduce fat in targeted body areas include cryoelectrolipolysis, deep 3D radiofrequency, shockwave therapy and ultrasonic fat cell cavitation.

These treatments are safe and effective and can help you to get best results from your weight loss plan.

After a course of treatment most patients can expect to look more lean and sculpted to help you fit into more flattering clothes and feel great.

Just one cryo sessions can result in 20-40% of fat loss in the treated area ie abdomen, flanks etc.

Typical areas for treatment include: under the chin, upper arms, chest, abdomen, flanks, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, above the knees.

Dr Brad is the friendly , professional fat-loss expert you can trust. Call today for more information.